Welcome to the HDDAP Audiophile Remastering Forum
Remastering For Sound Enjoyment...
HDDAP are a group of audiophile music addicts that have a passion, not just for the music but the sound of the music.
All of our group are musicians and/or experts in digital and analogue audio and we all share a common and genuine love of how we feel music should be presented.

Over the last twenty years or so, we have witnessed the near total digitisation of the entire audio marketplace, including the source for vinyl recordings. The advent of streaming and the pervasiveness of commercial downloads has totally changed the way we appreciate and consume musical content.
Audio Presentation Choice
There are good sides to this but to us, as consumers, the drawback is that we have no choice in the way that content is presented to us. Whatever the format, (CD, FLAC download, streaming or SACD/DSD); the sound quality in the greatest majority of cases is a one size fits all, approach to the final sound. Even vinyl is often no exception as that "one size" seems to be how it will sound via ear buds or a Smart Speaker. This makes it sound pretty awful through any decent sound system or home Hi-Fi.
The Technical Solution
As consumers it is beyond our capabilities to alter this aspect of the sound we hear (by using the controls available to us, - we can only alter bass , treble, balance etc.).
But it doesn't need to be this way.
For many years we analysed the sound that was designed for our consumption. The good new is that, it being digital means that, within reason, changes can be applied using digital workstations to emphasise or deliver our ideal of what the music should sound like.
Rather like experimenting with a food recipe, we changed ingredients to suit out tastes; often finding that the components were correct in the first place. Just overcooked or over seasoned, sometimes to the extreme.
The 'over seasoning' in recorded music, that we often need to remove, is over zealous limiting and compression. To use the food analogy too salty and too hot..
So what we offer to do is to use our advanced digital restoration techniques to remove the extremes of modern mastering. We can take away clipping, harsh limiting, improve dynamic range and soundstage, and above all, recreate a sound that is more reminiscent of the best analogue recordings.