You know that I like to make upmixes, time passes and I increasingly get better results!
This is my main 'distraction', the delay in getting the desired result is irrelevant as I try to meet my taste!
...and I really enjoy doing this and if necessary to meet my expectations I will redo everything
► several times from the beginning (from starting point to expectation),
here there is no laziness or giving up on achieving the goal!
I'm thinking to buy a BluRay burner but first i want to know
what audio formats in 5.1 can i play in my BluRay player!
(Sony Ddp- S380 used only one time for test)
DTS and AC3 seems logic but can i play 5.1 waves, or 5.1 flacs or
► other lossless format in 5.1 on BluRay media in BluRay player?
Dolby Atmos and/or DTS:X are possible too?
Please tell me 'every' format possible to my 5.1 target!
Thanks for hints! :-)
I can almost hear a chorus of laments:
🎶 Oh no, Jorge is back and insists on annoying us. 😮
Choose to tune the choir in 440Hz, 432Hz or any other, I will hear it the same way. 😋
I'm thinking to buy a BluRay burner and
I understand nothing about the audio formats that can be burned and played on BluRay so
► ► Can anyone clarify my doubts about BluRay audio formats, please?